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Look around, you see people of different cultural backgrounds, different nationalities and different ages. In the next two days, these completely alien to each other people are inseparable. THey sleep, eat and coexist under one roof.


This year, the BRYC Annual Event will take you to the Norwegian border town Kirkenes. You will form teams and solve tasks, while you explore the cultural diversity of the Barents Region. Remember to cooperate, use your creativity and have fun!


The clock is ticking and we need your help to solve the barents culture quest.  


Are you ready to go on an adventure... 



Since 2006, BRYC has been organizing annual events for youth living in the Barents Region. The main purpose of these events is to create a platform for cross-border networking, cultural exchange and cooperation between youth. Each year BRYC chooses a theme based on the priorities outlined in the Barents Regional Youth Programme.


The theme of this year's annual event is cultural diversity in the Barents Region. The BRYC Annual Event 2018: Across Cultures will take place in Kirkenes (Norway) on the 8th-11th of November 2018. It will gather around 60 young participants (ages 16-30) from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Since Finnmark County currently holds the chairmanship of the Barents Regional Council, BRYC has chosen Kirkenes, Finnmark, to be the main location of the annual event. The main venue will be Scandic Kirkenes.


The event program will stretch over two days (9-10 November). These days will include plenary sessions, interactive workshops, lectures and social activities. The 8th and 11th of November will be travel days. 


This year's event is devoted to cultural diversity, represented in 5 Barents cultures: the Nowegian, Russian, Swedish, Finnish and Indigenous. Participants of the event will be able to explore each of these cultures by taking part in our "culture games", a physical adventure game based off the popular Escape Room concept, where teams solve a series of puzzles using clues, hints, and strategy to complete an objective. The aim is to give the participants a better understanding of our diverse cultures, but also our similarities and how we can work together towards our common interests.


During their stay in Kirkenes, the participants will also take part in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Barents Cooperation, and discuss its relevance for the young population of the Barents Region. 


The BEAC Joint Working Group on Youth (JWGY) will also take part in the event. During the first day of the event, BRYC will organize a plenary meeting between the participants and the JWGY. The purpose of this is to create a stronger regional link between youth and the senior officials in each region/country, and discuss how BRYC and JWGY can collaborate more closely. 


You will find the program for the annual event HERE. For more news and updates about the program, follow BRYC on Facebook and Instagram.




See you in Kirkenes...


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