The Barents Regional Youth Council (BRYC) was established in 2004 to promote the interests of young people living in the Barents Region. It's main purpose is to work towards new opportunities and good living conditions for youth in fields like culture, education, youth politics, young entrepreneurship, environment, as well as health and social issues.
Our vision is to make the Barents Region more attractive for youth and to encourage them to choose to stay in the region or return to it after completing their education. Our mission is to strengthen the youth cooperation in the Barents Region and empower young people to be active participants of the societies in which they live. BRYC's 5 core values are tolerance, cooperation, reliability, fairness and respect.
The council meets 2 times a year to discuss youth activities in the Barents region, to inform other representatives about the news from their regions and to plan and arrange a big youth event every year.
Our main activities include the BRYC Annual Meeting, which usually takes place during the first quarter of the year, and the BRYC Annual Event, usually taking place during the last quarter of the year. Both of these activities are organized by BRYC in cooperation with various stakeholders on the local, regional and national level. Every year BRYC picks a new location for these activities.
BRYC also actively engages in other youth projects and events across the Barents Region. In these projects, BRYC usually acts as the co-organizer or participant, however the council aims to initiate more youth projects of its own, involving new partners and new ideas and growing the Barents Youth community. Read more about our past gatherings and events on www.barentsyouth.org, or follow us on social media!
The Council consists of 15 youth representatives (1 from each administrative unit in the Barents Region + 1 indigenous representative).
Nordland, Norway
Troms, Norway
Finnmark, Norway
Norrbotten, Sweden
Västerbotten, Sweden
Lapland, Finland
Oulu / North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Kainuu, Finland
North Karelia, Finland
Murmansk Region, Russia
Arkhangelsk Region, Russia
Nenets AO, Russia
Komi Republic, Russia
Republic of Karelia, Russia
Indigenous representative
The BRYC representatives are either elected or appointed from their respective administrative unit in the Barents Region. The Barents Euro-Arctic Working Group on Indigenous Peoples elects the indigenous youth representative in BRYC.
In order to become a BRYC representative, candidates must be in the age group 18-30, have a decent knowledge of English (spoken and written), have knowledge about youth issues in their region and be interested in international cooperation.
BRYC also has a board, consisting of five representatives: one from each of the four Barents countries and one indigenous representative. BRYC elects a new Board every year, during the BRYC Annual Meeting. The Board is elected among the existing BRYC members and functions as an executive body, responsible for the implementation of the annual Action Plan. Members of the Board also represent BRYC, and promotes Barents youth issues, in the Barents Regional Council.
Members of the BRYC Board will be functioning as the national coordinators for the annual event. You can find the contact information of your national coordinator below.
Mikhail Krotov, Finnmark
E-mail: finnmark@barentsyouth.org
Tim Andersson, Västerbotten
E-mail: vasterbotten@barentsyouth.org
Jolanda Magga, Lapland
E-mail: lapland@barentsyouth.org
Alexander Terentiev, Komi Republic
E-mail: komi@barentsyouth.org
The national coordnators will be responsible for travel organization for participants from each country. If you have questions regarding your travels, please contact your national coordinator. For other matters, please use the general contact information HERE.

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